Wendy Louise Felton
Missing Since: June 4, 1987
Missing From: Marion, Indiana
Aged to 51 years
- Classification: Endangered Missing
- Date of Birth: May 10, 1971
- Age Missing: 16
- Hair Color: Brown
- Eye Color: Brown
- Height: 5'5"
- Weight: 115 lbs.
- Gender: Female
- Race: Caucasian
Identifying Characteristics:
She has a one-inch scar on her right shoulder. She wears hard contact lenses and has pierced ears.
A purple nightshirt with "86" on the front in white, and a gold wristwatch.
Wendy was last seen at home in Marion, Indiana on June 4, 1987. All her belongings, including her purse, were found in her bedroom.
Investigating Agencies:
- Grant County Sheriff's Office: 1-765-668-8168
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678
Case Numbers:
- Police Case #: 87-2180
- NCIC Case #: M-250436110
- NCMEC Case #: 772531
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